American Aero Club Planes:

Based at Rancho Murieta and Sacramento Executive


N9940Q (Cessna 172)
Rancho Murieta (RIU)
Last flown: August 22, 2002
To Franklin doing landings

This was a good one, too. If 37V wasn't available, this one was fine. The last time I flew it was on the last day of American Aero's existence. We are required to do 3 landings every 60 days (club insurance rule), and at that time we didn't know when we'd get new planes, so we were taking advantage of the last opportunity.
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N9737V (Cessna 172)
Rancho Murieta (RIU)
Last flown: June 13, 2002
Over Folsom to take pictures
(of my new house :-)

My favorite of the Amero bunch. It was an IFR trainer, not that I ever had any IFR training. It was, or felt, wider, and seemed more comfortable. I took my checkride for my license in this plane.
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N70416 (Cessna 172)
Sacramento Executive (SAC)
Last flown: March 31, 2002
To Bakersfield and back
for Easter.

This was the plane I flew in my first lesson (Nov 10, 2000). It was later stationed at Sac Exec, so I flew it a lot out of there. It was older, but still a nice plane.
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N7819G (Cessna 172)
Rancho Murieta (RIU)
Last flown: August 7, 2001
To Franklin and back
with a co-worker

This one had what we generally refered to as a "funky flap switch". There was nothing wrong with it, it just had to be held in place until the flaps were all the way up. My instructor didn't want me to fly it until I had my license. He said I had enough to worry about. :-) It wasn't a big deal.
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N20305 (Cessna 172)
Rancho Murieta (RIU)
Last flown: May 30, 2001
To Franklin and back

The default trainer for American Aero. It was old and rickety (not unsafe), and I swear it was smaller than the rest of them. It was supposed to be the same thing, but it felt smaller.
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